I’m Fine, I Don’t Need Therapy

It’s funny, but one of the things clients often complain about when they start therapy is that they feel they’re growing but feel frustrated by the lack of growth in the people around them. They tell people, “I’m in therapy, it’s been amazing! You should go…” to which people response, “I’m fine, I don’t need therapy.” — well, let me tell you, therapy has changed.

As times change, so do people and as change, so do our needs. When psychoanalytic therapy was taught years ago, therapists learned to conduct traditional psychoanalytic therapy. This consists of talk therapy in which the clinician does not share anything personal, literally nothing - they’re an unbiased individual in the room there to listen and analyze. A lot of “uh huh, tell me how that makes you feel” — The thing is, as time has gone on and more approaches to therapy have been developed, people crave more than just a space to vent, they want a space to change. Most clients who come to Boutique Psychotherapy are sick of the unpersonalized approach of other clinicians and want to meet with someone who makes them feel like a human, not another person to analyze.

Clients who come to Boutique Psychotherapy learn how to live, behave, process and cope differently. One of the biggest lessons we teach our clients is how to control themselves rather than try to control everyone else. When people leave the practice they don’t suggest that theirs friends go, but rather their friends want to know where the went for therapy because of how incredible their transformation has been. When we stop trying to control others and learn how to allow others to be who they are and not let it impact who we are, our world shifts. If this sounds like something you’d like to accomplish, I get it, which is why I built this place. See you soon.


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