Tips on Flirting: How to Ignite the Spark and Keep it Burning

Flirting is a part of being human, we want to flirt and more importantly we want to be flirted with. Why? because it feels good to be paid attention to and be pursued. So how do we flirt with the boy across the bar, the guy we have been seeing for 3 months, or the man we have woken up next to for over a decade? We get creative! But before spilling the tea, if you take one thing away from this.. the healthiest, most passionate relationships that I see are the ones that still have surprise date nights, send flowers for no reason, kiss goodbye every morning and well, never stop pursuing each other as passionately as they did when they first met! So don’t get complacent and don’t ever stop dating!

Now for the good stuff!

Here are a couple of my suggestions on how to keep that fire burning and take your relationship to the next step whether you’re shamelessly stalking that boy at the gym or trying to figure out what to do for your much needed parents’ night out.

A guy you just met - Confidence is key. Make the first move. Not only will it make you stand out as guys are not used to this, but it will also show you are confident and know what you want. Example: “Can I buy you drink?” When is the last time a guy was offered a drink from a girl? And odds are he will say yes and buy you one instead but at least you got his attention and offered!

A guy you have a crush on - Express interest casually but in a flirtatious way. Someone else will beat you to it if you don't make what you want clear but start subtle to test the waters. Find something you have in common and suggest doing it together, he will get the hint without you having to be overly aggressive. Example: “I didn’t know you liked the Yankees! We should watch the game together next weekend; I know of a cool spot”

A new boyfriend - Compliment, compliment, compliment. What better way to flirt than giving a guy a compliment! Guys needs words of affirmation and an ego boost just as much as girls do and at this point in a relationship it is the perfect way to make subtle hints when you like something and want it to continue. Example: “You're so good at surprising me, I love our date nights” or “You look so good in those jeans” extra credit for a little physical touch on this one!

A long-time love or husband - Element of surprise and thoughtfulness. This is a point in a relationship where you know exactly what each other likes and dislikes and have probably gone on just about all the creative dates you can come up with so it’s time to dig deeper. Use your extensive knowledge to your advantage. Example: your husbands’ favorite food is pizza, have a homemade pizza night but instead of telling him about it in advance, text him midday “See you at 7 and make sure you're hungry”. Not only will this allow the excitement to build, but it also shows thoughtfulness. You can always spice it up with candles, music, moody lighting, etc. Get creative, and never stop dating!!!


Kimberlin is an individual and couples therapist at Boutique Psychotherapy. She provides virtual and in-person therapy in NYC.


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